Glenn's Corner

Cementing ancient truths, not a questionable future

Text by our correspondent from Didyma, Glenn Maffia.

Native archaeologists appear to possess a particular predilection in rebuilding ancient sites. Probably at the behest of transient politicians whose belligerent insistence in procuring touristic revenues are in stark contrast to historical enquiry.

Contrary to perceived opinion, regularly espoused, I have absolutely no qualms about visitors arriving in this historically wealthy land, the crossroads of a multitude of civilisations.

The concrete restoration of Apollon Smintheion temple in Gülpınar
The concrete restoration of Apollon Smintheion temple in Gülpınar


Tall stories upon a shallow shore

Text by our correspondent from Didyma, Glenn Maffia.

As one can imagine, I do have somewhat of a luxury in that the subject matter of my columns, the ancient past, generally affords me to escape the rigours of reporting current news. Well, almost. Sometimes a snippet of current news does occasionally leap the divide of the millennia.

Gate of Mazeus and Mithridates in Ephesus
Gate of Mazeus and Mithridates in Ephesus


Plucking from the garden of history

Text and photos by our correspondent from Didyma, Glenn Maffia.

Following on from my previous article (Apollo on my mind), I believe that it may be necessary, even prudent, to qualify some of the evidence which I proffered therein.

Most notably the abject attitude of some local people towards this incredibly rich vein of historical artefacts which are seemingly endless in their historical scope, the innumerable disparate peoples and cultures, the endless number of belief systems which were active over so many millennia and the sheer diversity within this landmass which once was, without doubt, the ‘crossroads of the earth’.

Miletus Museum exterior
Miletus Museum exterior


Apollo on my mind

Text by our correspondent from Didyma, Glenn Maffia.

Just prior to Christmas, I received a number of communications from my sources within Europe concerning the future of investigations into the Temple of Apollo at Didyma. Nothing concrete, you must understand, but nonetheless intriguing in the way that such archaeological tenets are being evolved, or rather dissolved, by the principle institutions engaged in this highly valuable and crucial work.

Temple of Apollo in Didyma
Temple of Apollo in Didyma


Waxing lyrical from esoteric heights

Text and photos by our correspondent from Didyma, Glenn Maffia.

There appears to be few pertinent ideas circulating within our present age, an age of mass media disseminating dogmatic ‘information’ across the political and financial arenas of this ever shrinking world.

I have noticed that conversations I overhear in public are generally in broad agreement with each other, as the kernel of that ‘news’ invariably arrives from the same source, albeit across possibly differing mediums. Such be today’s viral propagation.

This has also infected my sphere of interest; that of history, aesthetics and archaeology. I hope that you have the patience to tolerate me whilst I endeavour to redress the equilibrium to a level of sanity.

The 'streaming' sky above the Temple of Apollo in Didyma
The 'streaming' sky above the Temple of Apollo in Didyma



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