Jews, Turks, and Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Century

TitleJews, Turks, and Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Century
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsLevy A
Series TitleModern Jewish History
Number of Pages304
PublisherSyracuse University Press
ISBN Number978-0815629412
KeywordsEdirne, Jews, Ottomans
AbstractThis book focuses on central topics, such as the structure of the Jewish community, its organization and institutions and its relations with the state; the place Jews occupied in the Ottoman economy and their interactions with the general society; Jewish scholarship and its contribution to Ottoman and Turkish culture, science, and medicine. Written by leading scholars from Israel, Turkey, Europe, and the United States, these pieces present an unusually broad historical canvas that brings together different perspectives and viewpoints. The book is a major, original contribution to Jewish history as well as to Turkish, Balkan, and Middle East studies.