
Dardanos Tumulus is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the region of Troad. Despite the importance of this burial place and its priceless contents, there are few systematic studies concerning this discovery. What is more, a visit to the site may also be quite disappointing. The golden treasures of Dardanos exhibited in the Troy Museum may prove to be much more attractive.

Dardanos Tumulus
Dardanos Tumulus

Temple of Apollo at Didyma

In the ancient times, Didyma was famous as the place where a colossal Temple of Apollo stood, and the oracle revealed the future. In its heyday, Didyma was not a city, but a place of worship, connected with Miletus by the so-called Sacred Way. This road was used by the pilgrims who arrived at Didyma, seeking answers to nagging questions.

Temple of Apollo at Didyma
Temple of Apollo at Didyma


Off the beaten track, in Taurus mountains, lie picturesque ruins of ancient Lyrbe. Only a few years ago, the ruins of this ancient city were not easily accessible to the public. What is more, even the identification of this city and its name raised serious doubts among researchers. Recently the road leading to the gate of Lyrbe has been tarmacked and the ruins have attracted more and more tourists, mostly brought there by the pompously called "jeep safari" tours. However, if you are lucky and plan the timing of your arrival carefully, you will be able to have this entire ancient city entirely at your disposal. Lyrbe is located far away from the Mediterranean coast, but the well-preserved agora and the picturesque location in the middle of the forest make this trip a spectacular experience.

The ruins of Lyrbe
The ruins of Lyrbe

Symmetrical Church (Aynalı Kilise) in Göreme

Halfway between Göreme and Ortahisar hides one of the most charming rock churches in Cappadocia. It is the Symmetrical Church (tr. Aynalı Kilise), called so because of its geometric ornamentations, mirrored on the opposite walls. Exploration of the interior and the adjacent monastery complex is a great adventure for all travelers who are not afraid of the dark and narrow, steep passages.

Symmetrical Church (Aynalı Kilise) in Göreme
Symmetrical Church (Aynalı Kilise) in Göreme


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