Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates in Ephesus

The Commercial Agora had three main gates, enabling access from the north onto Harbour Street, the south-east, and the west. The most impressive and best-preserved of these gates is the so-called Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates on the south-eastern side, very close to the Celsus Library. This monument is also the only large-scale structure of the Augustan building programme that survived the earthquake of 23 CE.

This text is a fragment of a guidebook to Ephesus: "The Secrets of Ephesus".

Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates in Ephesus
Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates in Ephesus

Great Theatre in Ephesus

The great theater of Ephesus is a splendidly preserved and very impressive building. This structure, built of marble, has a width of 145 meters, and its audience once reached up to 30 meters. In its heyday, it could accommodate up to 24,000 spectators.

Great Theatre in Ephesus
Great Theatre in Ephesus

Magnesian Gate Area in Ephesus

This text is a fragment of a guidebook to Ephesus: "The Secrets of Ephesus".

The guided tours of Ephesus usually finish with the visit to the area of the State Agora and the monuments surrounding it. However, after leaving the archaeological site via the Southern Entrance, it is worthwhile to stay here for a moment or two, to see some ancient buildings situated outside the official sightseeing paths.

Magnesian Gate in Ephesus
Magnesian Gate in Ephesus

March 2024 in Turkish archaeology

March 2024 brought many fascinating archaeological discoveries in the area of Turkey. Among the most sensational ones, the researchers announced that they had discovered about 8,600-year-old bread at Çatalhöyük, a Neolithic settlement in central Turkey. Moreover, a 2700-year-old children's cemetery was discovered during ongoing excavations in the ancient city of Tenedos in Bozcaada island. Finally, the archaeologists unearthed the earliest known evidence of body perforation in skeletons dating back 11,000 years at the Boncuklu Tarla excavation site in southeastern Turkey.

Çatalhöyük excavations
Çatalhöyük excavations

New Ephesus guidebook by TAN team has just been released!

We are introducing our new guidebook to the wonderful archaeological site of Ephesus, "Highlights of Ephesus". This book offers a guided tour of the most important sights in Ephesus, the absolutely must-see ones. It was created with the thought of the visitors who have limited time on their hands and want to be sure that they will not miss any highlights of the famous ancient city. There are 18 chapters devoted to particular locations within Ephesus, and they are organised geographically.

Thus, we start the tour at the region near the Lower Gate, in the northern part of the site, and finish at the Upper Gate near the State Agora. Each chapter provides a detailed description of the location and its history, as well as its exact location with a GPS coordinates and a QR code to scan that will lead you to the exact spot. Also, every chapter has a photograph of the described location. Finally, the general plan shows the whole site of Ephesus with the relevant locations clearly marked, while the detailed plan magnifies the area of the Curetes Street where the majority of the described objects are situated.

Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates in Ephesus
Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates in Ephesus


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